Location | San Vicente is located in the province or Camarines Norte, which is part of Bicol. The nearest towns are Daet (10 km) and Labo(15km). The distance to Manila is roughly 350 kilometers. South of San Vicente, roughly 120 kilometers away there is the Mayon Volcano and the city of Legaspi. |
Community | San Vicente consists out of nine
Barangays. These are:
Brgy. Man Ogob |
Transportation | San Vicente can be reached from Manila
via car or bus, taking the Philtranco, Super Lines etc. buses Train connection is available from Manila to Sipocot, then via bus to Daet. An airport is available in Bagasbas, Daet, but currently inoperational. Plans are to increase the runway by 500 mtrs and reopen it by the year 2005 The closest operational airport is in Pilis, Naga City, 2 hours away from Daet |
Inhabitants | There are around 8000 people living in San Vicente, growing with a ratio of 2.5% a year. |
Schools | San Vicente Elementary School Cabanbanan Elementary School San Vicente Parochial School San Vicente National High School Fabrica National High School |
Industry | Agriculture, mostly Pineapple, Coconut, Vegetables like Long Beans, Eggplants, Corn and Rice |